When We Meet

Cornerstone Church meets each week on Sunday mornings at 10:00 AM for our weekly worship gathering. Our gatherings last approximately an hour and a half, and you can expect the service to end around 11:15 AM.

Whether you are a Christ-follower who wants to worship the Lord alongside us or a person interested in learning more about Christianity, we’d love to have you come check out one of our weekly gatherings.

Where We Meet

We meet at the Chumstick Grange Hall, located on the entrance of Front Street on your right directly across from Gustav’s. When you approach the building, you will see a sign directing you to the entrance.

The street address is:

621 Front St. Leavenworth, WA 98826

Where should I park?

We invite anyone attending our services to find a spot on Front Street near the entrance of the church. However, if parking fills up, we invite you to park at the Leavenworth City Hall located on Highway 2.

What if I have children?

We offer a kids’ ministry for children six and under. During the sermon, your kids will be cared for by loving members of our church family. You can rest easy knowing that our quality volunteers are caring for your kids. All our volunteers are background checked to ensure that your kids will be taken care of in safety.

During their time in Cornerstone Kids, kids will experience games, crafts, songs, and a Bible lesson all geared to help see their lives transformed by the power of the gospel. Just enter the main entrance and one of our friendly greeters will direct you to the proper check-in site.

Your children’s safety is of the upmost importance. Click this link to see a full copy of our Child Protection Policy.

What should I wear?

We really do believe in the ‘come just as you are’ mentality. We want you to wear whatever makes you feel most comfortable. On any given Sunday, you’ll see a good mixture of shorts, skirts, jeans, and jorts at our gatherings. Wear whatever you would wear to hang out with friends on the weekend.